PBSI UIN Jakarta produces 65 articles published in journals and scientific proceedings
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Indonesian Language & Literature Education department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta is committed to encouraging its students to be more active in writing and publishing their articles in scientific journals and international conference proceedings.
Based on data from accredited journal publications and International Scientific Proceedings of PBSI UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (31/3/2021), the 65 articles were written by 80 students. Apart from being written independently, a number of articles were written in collaboration with their lecturers.
Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta, Sururin, appreciates the enthusiasm of students in writing articles to be published in various journals and scientific proceedings. It is hoped that this will be a good start for the growth of the tradition of writing scientific articles in the FITK environment, especially PBSI department.
“We will continue to encourage them to write seriously,” said Sururin.
The head of PBSI department Makyun Subuki revealed that most articles are published in accredited scientific journals. “Only two articles published in the proceedings,” he added.
The 65 articles contain many topics in the areas of education, language, and Indonesian literature. Syntax research, semantics, women's studies in literature, language learning, and language development in the digital era are just a few of the dozens of research topics that have been successfully written by the students.
Secretary of PBSI department Novi Diah Haryanti added that her party would continue to encourage students to conduct research and write scientific articles. They can also do this through research and writing partnerships with their lecturers.
“Hopefully this tradition will answer the demands of an independent learning campus that has been echoed by the national education authorities,” she hoped. (usa/zm)