PBSI UIN Jakarta conducts scientific writing training for madrasah teachers

PBSI UIN Jakarta conducts scientific writing training for madrasah teachers

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Indonesian Language and Literature Education (PBSI) department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta held a community service program at MAN 2 Malang and MAN 2 Kediri. The activity took place from February 07 to February 10, 2022 through academic collaboration activities.

Lecturer of PBSI UIN Jakarta, Mahsusi, on Saturday (02/12/2022) said that MAN 2 Malang and MAN 2 Kediri are the right places to carry out collaborative activities. “Both schools have won various national and international achievements,” he said.

Head of PBSI Department UIN Jakarta Makyun Subuki also said that MAN 2 Malang and MAN 2 Kediri should be followed by all MANs in Indonesia as an effort to increase the capacity of students, teachers, and management towards international standardized schools. “Even though they are labeled Madrasah, these two schools have international standard facilities and achievements,” said Makyun.

In this community service program, it is hoped that there will be concrete results in the form of collaboration between lecturers and teachers. The expected output of this collaboration is the Sinta 2-6 indexed national journal in Indonesia. This expectation is not too high because the teachers of MAN 2 Malang and MAN 2 Kediri basically already have good competence in teaching and improving the quality of students.

“This is not difficult to achieve because the teachers of MAN 2 Malang and MAN 2 Kediri already have good competence in teaching and improving the quality of students,” he added.

Through this collaborative activity, PBSI UIN Jakarta hopes to increase publications for teachers. On this occasion, PBSI UIN Jakarta also invited Ahmad Bahtiar, M.Hum, as an assessor of international journals to provide learning and technical material at the event.

“It is hoped that MAN 2 Malang, MAN 2 Kediri, and PBSI UIN Jakarta will get high publications this year,” he concluded. (zm/usa)