PBSB is now open, UIN Jakarta offers two faculties

PBSB is now open, UIN Jakarta offers two faculties

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Scholarship Program for High Achieveing Students (PBSB) registration period has been opened today, Tuesday (03/16/2021). Through this program, UIN Jakarta invites prospective students who are interested to enroll in two study programs, namely Physician Education Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and the Pharmacy Study Program at the Faculty Health Sciences (FIKES).

Official statement from the Directorate of Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools, Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs stated that PBSB registration is scheduled to start on Tuesday 16 March to Thursday 15 April. “Online registration for PBSB in 2021 is open for 1 month from March 16 to April 15," said the Director of Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools, Waryono Abdul Ghafur in Jakarta, Tuesday (03/16/2021).

PBSB selection itself is carried out in stages. Starting from data verification and validation, the first stage of test selection, and the second selection. Results will be announced on 31 May 2021.

Furthermore, PBSB registration is carried out online by each pesantren (Islamic boarding school) via https://ditpdpontren.kemenag.go.id/pendaftaranpbsb. At this stage, pesantren must first ensure that their Statistical Number (NSP) is registered with the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Once confirmed, the pesantren can immediately register their students to participate in the program.

Santris who have been registered will get an account. Then, they must complete the form and documents according to the provisions in the online PBSB registration application. All documents are converted in Portable Document Format or PDF.

All application documents will then be verified by the committee at the Miniostry of Religious Affairs provincial office. If declared to have passed the administrative selection, then a PBSB Selection Participant Card will be made for further selection process.

In the next selection stage, they will receive some exam material. In the first stage of selection, they will receive an Academic Potential Test (TPA), a language test, and a pesantren and nationality test. While in the second stage of selection, students will be tested for their ability to read and understand the Kitab Kuning and the Koran memorization test.

For information,  PBSB quota for this year only applies to 16 students. Eight people each in the phycisian education study program at FK and eight people in the Pharmacy Study Program at  Fikes UIN Jakarta. (usa/zm)