Participants of the SBMPTN Exam Reaches a Staggering Amount of 56 631 People
Jakarta, UIN NEWS Online-- Test Joint Entrance Selection State University (SBMPTN) 2016 was held simultaneously today, Tuesday (31/05/16). The implementation took place in several universities in Jakarta and selected by a committee of local high schools at State University of Jakarta (SUJ).
Of these, 22 946 people registered in Saintek exam, 29 269 people registered in Soshum exam, and 4,366 people enrolled in the test mix.
The Varsity became a test of SBMPTN 2016 among others, the University of Indonesia (UI), the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UPN Veteran University Trilogy, Gunadarma University, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, as well as several high schools in jakarta with total space use as many as 2,864 spaces.
When the team met UIN NEWS Online Sub-Section Head of Publication and Documentation UIN Jakarta SBMPTN exam committee in 2016, Feni Arifiani MH in his office said, this year SBMPTN test participants experienced significant levels of students.
"Like last year, the exam SBMPTN 2016, followed by the participants of the disability total of 11 people. Nine participants were blind, one deaf participant, and one disabled participant. These participants wrote a special disabilities test held on campus at the UNJ dance studio space with a special companion of exceptional education UNJ Prodi," he explained.
After the implementation of this SBMPTN written test, there will be a skills test for Prodi Sports, Arts, Music Arts and Dance. The exam will be held on the campus UNJ and followed by 3,593 participants. To obtain more accurate information, visit the page or by contacting the Head of Public Relations Unit UNJ number 085221391014. (LRF) Translated by: Ihsan/Safee