Participants of Jakarta UIN Community Service Held River Normalization Program

Participants of Jakarta UIN Community Service Held River Normalization Program

Tangerang, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta has sent its student to do community services (KKN) in two districts, Tangerang and Bogor. Each district, consisting of 200 KKN groups that spread in selected villages, was carried out from 20 July to 20 August 2018.

One KKN group located in the village of Rawa Rengas, Kosambi, Tangerang Regency, organized normalization and mass cleaning of the river located near the village office. The river cleaning program was held on Wednesday (08/15/2018) and assisted by the surrounding community.

The KKN group 13, named Rawa Rengas Team, was under the guidance of Ade Rina Farida MSi (Lecturer of FDIK). There were 19 students from various faculties at UIN Jakarta.

To UIN Online NEWS, Ade Rina said that the mass river cleansing was one of the priority work programs of the group that she fostered. Because upon seeing the environment, especially the drainage in the village is quite worrying, then the work of cleaning the river into a work program that is quite prioritized.

"We see that the river that used as place to bathe and wash by the villagers is quite alarming." Besides the amount of clogged garbage, the puddles of non-flowing water become a nest of mosquito outbreaks and a source of disease," she said.

Still according to Ade, the surrounding community highly appreciated the activity. This is evident from the large number of villagers who participated in helping the activities.

"This activity is not only as a place to clean the river but also as a place to get closer to the surrounding community, while at the same time providing an understanding that a clean environment is a reflection of the village itself," Ade Rina said.

From the observation of the UIN Online News at the location, all 13 KKN participants took part in the activity. The Rawa Rengas Team was divided into two groups, the first to clean up the garbage on the banks of the river and the second group to clean up the garbage in the river. (usa-rs)