P3ID UIN Jakarta highlights the preacher certification program
Ciputat, UIN News Online – Center for the Study and Development of Da'wah Science (P3ID), the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Science (FIDK) UIN Jakarta also highlights the preacher certification program implemented by the government. Certification is deemed necessary to be implemented as a quality control for religious preachers in delivering the material they provide to the Ummah. In addition, it is also deemed necessary for the preachers to equip themselves with adequate scientific insights.
This is the conclusion of the P3ID National Webinar entitled "Quo Vadis Penceramah Bersertifikat” on Tuesday (11/03/2020). The webinar presented a number of speakers, among them are the Director of Islamic Information at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs Ahmad Juraidi, Deputy Chairman of the Central MUI Muhyiddin Junaidi, and Professor of UIN Jakarta Yunan Yusuf. The webinar itself was officially opened by the Dean of FIDK UIN Jakarta, Suparto.
Juraidi in his presentation said that the government through the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs is trying to strengthen the competence of religious preachers. According to Juraidi, certification itself is not a standard that determines whether or not someone is allowed to give religious sermons.
The certification is meant to strengthen the competence of preachers that are oriented towards religious counselor workers at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. There are 8,200 Islamic counselor agents, so it is necessary to strengthen their capacity, capability and competence.
He also emphasized that this certification is not a mandatory, it and can be implemented by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs and various Islamic Community Organizations.
“The materials provided in this program consist of Indonesian insights, national resilience, religious relations, state and culture, actual issues, world terrorist acts and their countermeasures in Indonesia, and da'wa strategies in the millennial era,” he explained.
In line with Ahmad Zuraidi, Muhyiddin Junaidi really appreciated the certification program. According to Junaidi, the certification is aimed at strengthening religious preachers who must have a sincere, honest and knowledgeable attitude in delivering their religious sermons.
Meanwhile, Professor Yunan considered that da'wah was an important profession in the society. For this reason, every preacher must master the four materials of da'wa, namely faith and piety, good deeds, science, and the relationship between religion and the state. (usa/zm)