OKP Promotes Change in Position Nomenclature

OKP Promotes Change in Position Nomenclature

Rectorate Building, UIN News Online - Presence of Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Regulations (Permenpan-RB) Number 25 of 2016 concerning Implementing Positions for Civil Servants in Government Agencies and Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) Number 12 of 2018 concerning Executive Position Nomenclature For Civil Servants in the Ministry of Religion requires UIN Jakarta to make adjustments / changes in the nomenclature of positions, namely from general functional positions to executive positions.

In order to disseminate the new policy, the Organization, Personnel and Legislation (OKP) section of the Public Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an Office Meeting (RDK) with the theme of Socialization of the Executive Position Nomenclature Based on PMA Number 12 Year 2018, on Wednesday (9/5/2018) at the Main Meeting Room, Campus I, UIN Jakarta.

This was conveyed by the Head of Organization, Personnel and Legislation Section (OKP) of the Public Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta, Ir Yarsi Berlianti in her office, Building Integrated Administration Service Center, Level 2, Campus I, UIN Jakarta.

The meeting which was officially opened by the General and Civil Administration Bureau Chief (AUK), Dr. Rudi Subiyantoro MPd, aaccompanied by  the Planning and Finance Bureau Chief (PK), Drs Subarja MPd, the Head of Public Administration Division of all faculties, and the administrative staff of the Organization, Staffing, and Legislation.

Rudi in his remarks conveyed the importance of this DRC as a place to socialize the Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) Number 12 of 2018 concerning changes in the nomenclature of executive positions.

"This meeting is very important and is expected to improve the quality of work and performance of employees in accordance with their expertise," said Rudi.

Meanwhile, Head of Organizational and Management Subdivision, Joko Sukarno, SH, in his presentation explained that the presence of PMA requires UIN Jakarta to change its nomenclature position from general functional position to executive position at least later in April 2019. This is a strict necessity because later each employee has a title of office in accordance with their talents and expertise. The process of changing the position nomenclature certainly requires a process that is not easy and long. But armed with enthusiasm and conviction, the determination of the name of the executive position will run smoothly and is expected before April 2019 has been determined by Rector of UIN Jakarta.

Hopefully, the process of changing the nomenclature of the executive position can run smoothly and successfully towards UIN transforming into world class university (WCU). (usa-rs)