OKP Holds Techical Guidance Evaluation and Position Competency Standards

OKP Holds Techical Guidance Evaluation and Position Competency Standards

MORA Training Center, UIN News Online - Civil Service and Legislation Organization (OKP) Deapartment of the Public Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta organizes Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) on Evaluation and Position Competency Standards, Wednesday-Friday (19-21 / 09), held at the Administrative Training Center, Ministry of Religion, Ciputat.

The event is aimed to fulfill the mandate of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN Law) regarding equal rights and opportunities to develop these competencies, was attended by at least 30 participants from all faculties and institutions at UIN Jakarta.

The Head of Organization, Personnel and Legislation Section (OKP) of the Public Administration and Personnel Bureau (AUK) UIN Jakarta, Ir Yarsi Berlianti when met in her office said, this BIMTEK activity was motivated by a lack of understanding and skills of staff personnel management at UIN Jakarta in terms of preparing evaluation and job competency standards. Especially with the presence of PMA Number 12 of 2018 regarding the Nomenclature of Implementing Positions for Civil Servants at the Ministry of Religion demanding adjustments to positions, evaluations, and job competency standards.

"The event organized from the collaboration of UIN Jakarta and the Education and Training Center of the Ministry of Religion of Ciputat use two models of approaches, namely the theoretical and practical approaches delivered by competent speakers. In terms of theory, a number of regulations and rules are specifically conveyed regarding the preparation of evaluation and job competency standards. While in practice, participants were invited to make evaluations and job competency standards directly, "said Yarsi.

One of the trainers in this Bimtek activity, Fajar Rukman, said that the main elements of job competency are knowledge, skills and attitude. These three elements constitute an integral whole which is inseparable. The main objectives of job competency standards are as a requirement in the preparation of PNS career patterns, guaranteeing objectivity, fairness and transparency in the appointment of civil servants, as well as ensuring the successful implementation of professional, effective and efficient job duties in order to realize a clean and authoritative government.

"One of the main objectives of job evaluation is to obtain a base that is considered fair to rank existing positions. While the benefits of job evaluation can be used for job classification, job weight, career patterns, competencies, job design and so on, "said Fajar. (usa-rs)