Oki Setiana Dewi embraces her doctoral degree with the cum laude predicate

Oki Setiana Dewi embraces her doctoral degree with the cum laude predicate

SPs, UIN News Online – Da'wah practitioner and actress Oki Setiana Dewi embraced her doctorate degree after attending the Doctoral Promotion Session at the Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta, Friday (10/23/2020).

Oki managed to get a cum laude graduation with an average score of 92 while defending his dissertation entitled” Pengajian Selebriti Hijrah Kelas Menengah Muslim (2000-2019): Respons atas Dakwah Salafi dan Jamaah Tabligh” in front of the six assessors.

In her dissertation, Oki said that Salafi preachers used a da'wah education approach among migrating celebrities through group recitation and with clear dictates. Education is focused on monotheism, manners, jurisprudence, and history. While the Tablighi Jamaat uses the khuruj method. The Da'wah of the Tablighi Jamaat is also more focused on getting people to worship at the mosque rather than providing Islamic knowledge systematically to its members.

The response of the hijrah celebrities to the preaching of Salafis and the Tablighi Jamaat was very diverse, namely dominant-hegemony, negotiation and opposition. However, of the three forms of response, the most commonly found was negotiation.

“In general, celebrities accept the form of Salafi Islam and Jamaah Tabligh, except for some teachings that are considered less relevant to their lives (celebrities, ed),” she said.

Apart from being known as a preacher, Oki Setiana Dwi is also known as an actress and book writer.She has played the character named Anna in the movie entitled Ketika Cinta Bertasbih. She also wrotes various books entitled Melukis Pelangi: Catatan Hati Oki Setiana Dewi (2011), Cahaya di Atas Cahaya: Perjalanan Spiritual Oki Setiana Dewi (2012), Hijab I'am in Love (2013), and Dekapan Kematian (2013).

She pursued his undergraduate education at the University of Indonesia at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences (2012). Then he continued his Masters in Early Childhood Education at the Jakarta State University Postgraduate Program (2016). (usa/ns)