Oki Setiana Dewi: Character Development Education Must Start from an Early Age

Oki Setiana Dewi: Character Development Education Must Start from an Early Age

FITK Theater, UIN News Online – Children education is an effort to unleash all the children potentials, both physically and mentally. Each child has a unique characteristic in learning, which is through their senses. Therefore, character development and education must be started from an early age.

This was conveyed by Oki Setiana Dewi during public lecture entitled “Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Parenting pada Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar” at FITK theater room, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Wednesday, (2/7/2018).

Present in the event, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Dr Fauzan, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Dr Muhammad Zuhdi, PGMI Department Head Dr Khalimi, Secretary for PGMI Department Asep Ediana Latip MPd, as well as PGMI students and lecturers.

According to Oki, character is a medium of various psychological characteristic that can guide the child to adapt to the various environment they will counter. The character will "lead" them to do something right and wrong.

Character education as an effort to cultivate values and attitudes requires functional learning patterns and examples. Early childhood exemplary, she said, has been obtained from the family environment.

“The character building requires synergistic implementation between parents, educational institutions, and the society,” said the Doctoral student of graduate school (SPs) of UIN Jakarta.

Oki further explained, parenting concept is a process of utilizing parenting skills based on various noble rules. Furthermore, there are at least four principles that parents must be concerned in nurturing their children, among them are; maintaining the child nature (al-muhafadhah), developing the children potentials (at-tanmiyah), directing in a clear direction (at-taujih), and carried out gradually (at-tadarruj).

"Everything should start from the attitude and positive character of the parents, both to life, world, and family," she said. (usa)