Nursing science student assist the Benda Baru community health center
Ciputat, UIN News Online – Nursing science student of the Faculty of Health Science (Fikes) UIN Jakarta held a Covid-19 identification for handling and counseling activity at the Benda Baru community health center, Pamulang, South Tangerang from April 8 to April 30, 2021.
This was conveyed by the Field Work Supervisor (PKL) lecturer Karyadi to UIN News Online in his office on Friday (04/30/2021).
He explained, in addition to delivering vaccine education, students also provided counseling on independent isolation, public perceptions of positive Covid-19 patients, and perceptions of vaccines to vaccination participants.
“They consist of students who are carrying out online learning activities and who are currently undergoing practice at the hospital,” said Karyadi.
Meanwhile, the head of Benda Baru community health center Endang Kurniawan appreciated the assistance from Fikes UIN Jakarta. Endang said that the targets to be achieved were indeed quite a lot and the health workers had to be divided into service activities at the health center and vaccination services.
“We do need quite a lot of personnel to carry out vaccine services, with the additional staff from the Nurse Professional students, we are very helpful in providing health services, especially vaccine services,” he said.
Karyadi, who is also the community clinic supervisor, said that it had been planned to direct students to be involved in an applicable learning process in society and synergize with the government, professional organizations and the community.
“One day, they will face problems that exist in society, so with this activity, links and matches in the world of education and work will be achieved quickly,” said Karyadi. (usa/mf)