Nine Candidates for Rector Present their Vision and Mission
Diorama Room, UIN News Online — Nine professors who are candidates for the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta for 2019-2023 presented their vision, mission and work program for the development of UIN Jakarta. The presentation was made at the University Senate's 1st Plenary Meeting which took place in the Diorama Room on Thursday (4/10/2018).
The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Senate Prof. Abuddin Nata and followed by members of the university senate. The plenary meeting itself is scheduled to give qualitative consideration to candidates for the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta for the 2019-2023 period.
"The agenda of the session today is to listen to the presentation of the vision, mission, and work program of each candidate's development which at the same time becomes the basis for qualitative consideration of the candidates for the Chancellor," he explained.
The presentation was started by the candidate Prof. Amany Lubis, and then followed by Prof. Andi Faisal Bakti, Prof. Jamhari, Prof. Amsal Bakhtiar, Prof. Zulkifli, Prof. Sukron Kamil, Prof. Abdul Mujib, Prof. Masri Mansoer, Prof. Didin Saefuddin.
Besides to increase the ranking of UIN Jakarta as an acknowledged tertiary institution at the global national level, each candidate presented the university's academic and institutional development.
Amany, for example. In addition to looking at the importance of strengthening national-global recognition, she also saw the importance of improving the quality of graduates of UIN Jakarta.
Another candidate, Jamhari, saw the importance of academic and institutional strengthening at the study program level. According to Jamhari, the study program holds an important position in scientific development and improving the quality of graduates.
"Students come to UIN Jakarta because of the quality of their study programs. Good articles, quality lecturers and quality publications are present because study programs are the backbone of their development," he said.
On the other side, Abdul Mujib explained, the development of UIN Jakarta in the future is the need to strengthen Islamic studies as the main academic core of UIN Jakarta. This can be done by dialogue with science-based science such as psychology with the scientific point of view of Islam.
Meanwhile, Abuddin said, the previous team had set 11 professors to pass the selection of the rector candidates. Among them Prof. Amsal Bakhtiar, Prof. Andi M. Faisal Bakti, Prof. Jamhari, Prof. Masri Mansoer, Prof. Amany Lubis, Prof. Sukron Kamil, Prof. Zulkifli, Prof. Ulfah Fajarini, Prof. Abdul Mujib, Prof. Murodi, and Prof. Didin Saepudin.
But lately, the number has been decreased. Prof. Dr. Murodi stepped down for health reasons, while Prof. Dr. Ulfah Fajarini stepped down for administrative reasons. (usa)