Nazaruddin: Violation of Human Rights Due to “Silent†Attitude of the Ruler
SPs Auditorium, UIN News Online – All ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries have records of human rights violations. There are three reasons for human rights violations in ASEAN. First, the indifferent ruling on the case of human rights violations, second, the differences in political treatment of certain groups or parties, and the last, socio-economic inequalities in society.
This was conveyed by Nazaruddin Nasution during his open doctoral promotion session at Auditorium SPs UIN Jakarta, Monday, (8/22/2017). Nazaruddin successfully maintained his dissertation entitled Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia di Asia Tenggara Dalam Kerangka Piagam ASEAN dan Komunitas ASEAN 2015: Kasus Penegakan HAM di Kamboja dan Timor Timur, Indonesia (2005-2015) in front of the examiners.
Present as the examiners, Prof Dr Masykuri Abdillah, Prof Dr Makarim Wibisono dan Prof Dr Arskal Salim. Other promoters as well as Nazaruddin dissertation examiners are Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra and Prof Dr M Atho Mudzhar.
During his presentation, Nazaruddin affirmed that in order to face these violations, ASEAN has four instruments: the ASEAN Charter, the ASEAN Community, the National Commission on Human Rights and the ASEAN Human Rights Board or the AICHR (Asean Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights). "These four instruments are a part of efforts in order to promote and protect human rights in the ASEAN environment," said former chairman of the Department of International Relations UIN Jakarta, 2006-2010.
The Nazaruddin study object was linked to the practice of genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979) and crimes against humanity in East Timor, shortly after the 1999 referendum.
“In the case of Cambodia, Indonesia acts as an interlocutor and a peace-maker, while in the case of East Timor Indonesia receives a red report from the United Nations. This red reporting because Indonesia is considered failed to maintain the post-1999 ballot, which resulted in hundreds of people killed and thousands of people displaced,†said the former Ambassador of Indonesia to Cambodia in 2000-2003.
The man born in Medan, December 22, 1941 finally earned a doctorate in religion and politics with GPA 3, 59. Interestingly, Nazaruddin promotion was attended by many former National officials such as Akbar Tanjung, Jimly Asshiddiqie, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, Malik Fajar and others. (usa)