Mutiara Islami Plus Students Visit UIN Jakarta
Diorama Room, UIN News Online – Dozens of high school students from Mutiara Islami Plus, Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, visited UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (10/23/2019). They were accompanied by at least 11 teachers and led by their headmaster. The visitation of the 11th and 12th graders lasted for about two hours. They were received in the Diorama Room by the Head of Publications and Documentation Sub Section Samsudin and his staff.
The high school principal of Mutiara Islami Plus, Yusra Meldia said, the students visit to UIN Jakarta aimed to obtain information about admission process directly. Through this visit the students are expected to know the mechanism of new enrollment clearly, transparently, and accurately.
“We hope that students who will go to university, especially to UIN Jakarta, can get the information correctly, especially related to tuition fees using UKT system,” he said.
On the same occasion, Yusra also expressed his gratitude for receiving his school visit to the UIN Jakarta. “We are very grateful, hopefully this visitation and friendship will be a valuable experience for both students and teachers,” he said.
One of the Pubdok staff, Nanang Saikhu in his presentation said thatThere are five enrollment types, namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SPAN PTKIN, UM PTKIN, and Local Recruitment. SPAN PTKIN and UM PTKIN only offers religious study programs, while SNMPTN and SBMPTN offers general study programs.
“As for the Local Recruitment, is one enrollment system that is managed and organized by each university and offer all study programs, both religious and general study programs,” he said. (usa)