MPBA UIN Jakarta holds national webinar

MPBA UIN Jakarta holds national webinar

Jakarta, UIN News Online – Arabic Language Master’s Program (MPBA) of FITK UIN Jakarta, in collaboration with UIN Banten, IAIN Bukittinggi and IMLA (Ittihad Mudarrisi al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah) Indonesia holds national webinar chapter II on Wednesday (06/10/2020).

Head of MPBA FITK UIN Jakarta Muhbib A Wahab to UIN News Online one of the indicators of the success of this national webinar was the large number of participants who joined the event, either through the Zoom or Youtube application, according to Muhbib this participant could be the most in the history of virtual seminars on Arabic learning (1.216 participants).

The webinar also presented two Rectors to deliver their keynote speeches. They are the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis and Rector of IAIN Bukittinggi Rida Ahida.

Moreover, nine speakers from nine different campuses participated in presenting nine sub-themes. The success of this Webnas, said Muhbib, exceeds the first webnas held on May 20, 2020. In the first Webinar, he continued, only 100 participants joined through Zoom application and 200 participants who participated in the live broadcast.

“In this chapter II of National Webinar, 500 participants participated through Zoom application, and 716 participants joined in the live YouTube broadcast, bringing the total to 1216 participants,” said Muhbib.

Meanwhile, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis in her keynote speech appreciates the holding of this event. According to Amany, the theme of this national webinar, namely the development of HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) in learning Arabic is a very important, relevant, and contextual theme in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic.

“The development of Arabic learning with HOTS is one of the strategies to improve the quality of Arabic learning in Indonesia,” she said.

On the same occasion, Rector of IAIN Bukittinggi Rida Ahida also appreciates this event. She hopes that this activity can improve and develop the competence of Arabic language educators in Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the first speaker from UIN Banten Siti Shalihah delivered HOTS development material in Mufradat learning, the second speaker in the PBA Professor of Indonesian Education University (UPI) Yayan Nurbayan delivered material on HOTS Development in Balaghah Learning and the third speaker from UIN Imam Bonjol lecturers Hafni Busthami specifically focused on discussing the development of HOTS in Tadribat Lughawiyah.

The fourth speaker from PBA UIN Malang Zakiyah Arifa MPd analyzed the importance of HOTS development in Insya’ skills. The fifth speaker was the Chairperson of the Arabic Literature Department of Malang State University Hanik Mahliatussikah delivering HOTS development material in Arabic literature learning.

Meanhile Umi Baroroh from UIN Yogyakarta who became the sixth speaker, spoke about the development of HOTS in Al-'ab Lughawiyah (Language Game) and the seventh speaker was presented by lecturer from UIN Surabaya Lecturer Narasuddin delivered his presentation about HOTS in the Development of Objective Tests and Arabic Essays.

Muhbib, who became the eighth speaker, presented HOTS Development in Translation of Learning and the last speaker was delivered by the Head of PBA Study Program, IAIN Bukittinggi, Zubaidah about HOTS Development in Mahfuzhat Learning.

In general, said Muhbib, this Webnas has presented novelty in Arabic learning by looking at the importance of critical thinking, creative, solutive, and innovative ways. Muhbib also hopes that the results of this webinar can be rewritten with a more complete and referenced narrative, so that the papers presented in these two volumes of the webinar can be compiled into a book. (usa/mf/zm)