More Than 6000 People Participate in UM PTKIN Selection Test at UIN Jakarta
UIN Jakarta Campus, UIN NEWS Online – More than 6000 participants of the Inter-Islamic Recruitment (UM PTKIN) has their selection process at UIN Jakarta on Tuesday (5/22/2018). It was conducted nationally with 56 PTKIN throughout Indonesia. In this comprehensive written test, PTKIN offered only a number of religious studies programs.
UIN Jakarta started at 07.30 WIB for Sciences, Social sciences, and mixed discipline Sciences. Participants were spread and did the test in several faculty buildings on campus 1, 2 and 3. In this selection time, UIN Jakarta involved more than 500 people who supervise the selection test process consisting of lecturers and employees.
The written test implementation at UM PTKIN in UIN Jakarta not only used Paper Base Test (PBT) model, but also Computer Base Test (CBT). Based on the data, PBT system participants reaches 6,718 people, and 360 participants of CBT. BT are concentrated in 13 locations, namely at campuses 1, 2, 3, and 4. While CBT participants are spread into 3 locations, namely in Integrated Laboratory Center (PLT) building, National Center of Information and Communication Technology (Pustiknas) and the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The test took place in two sessions. The first session was about material in the form of Basic Capability Test (TKD) and second session was in the form of Field of Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS) and Mixed Discipline of Sciences (IPC).
Through UM PTKIN, UIN Jakarta offers as many as 30 religious studies programs. The 30 programs are contested by 20,091 applicants from all over Indonesia. Of the number of registrants, the biggest enthusiasts are in the Sharia Economic Study Program as many as 1766 participants and Islamic Economic Study Program as many as 1802 participants.
The result will be announced on July 10th, 2018 via through PTKIN Central Committee webpage or through their respective PTKIN page. (usa)