Ministry of Religious Affairs Bureaucratic Reform is an Obligatory

Ministry of Religious Affairs Bureaucratic Reform is an Obligatory

Jakarta, UIN NEWS Online— In the framework of evaluation of bureaucratic reform program as stated in KMA No. 447 Year 2015, concerning Road Map Bureaucratic Reform of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Year 2015-2019, it takes synergy between all echelon leaders 1 center, Rector, Chairman of PTKN, Head of Regional Office of Ministry of Religious Affairs, echelon III and IV officials Central and Regional and all stakeholders Ministry Other religions in order to support and implement the bureaucratic reform agenda.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. Nur Syam in the Bureaucracy Reform (RB) Discussion, which carried the theme "Peeled Bureaucracy Reform Bureaucracy Ministry of Religious Year 2017", held in H M Rasjidi Ministry of Religious Affairs, Jl. MH Thamrin, Number 6, Central Jakarta.

Still according to Nur Syam, the Ministry of Religious Affairs currently has eight areas of change that become the main priorities, namely organization, governance, mental apparatus, legislation, public service, human resources apparatus, and accountability and supervision.

"The establishment of these eight areas of change is an important proof that the Ministry of Religious Affairs is really serious about reforming the bureaucracy, one of which is by explicitly declaring anti-corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN)," he said.

The discussion was guided by Inspectorate General of Ministry of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. M. Nur Kholis Setiawan, attended by all echelon I and II officials in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Rector and echelon III and IV officials throughout Pergura Tinggi Religious Affairs, Head of Regional Office of Religious Ministry , and so forth, in the contents of the Bureaucracy Reform Implementation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of 2017 by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Discussion and Follow-up on the Evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform in 2017.

It is believed that, through team consolidation and synergic collaboration between all stakeholders in the Ministry of Religious Affairs it is expected that by 2017 the Bureaucracy Reform Index of the Ministry of Religious Affairs can be higher than in 2016. Bureaucratic reform index of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2016 reaches 69.14 or category B, while in 2017, it is expected to exceed the value of 70 (worth BB) so that later can be entitled to memproleh fund performance allowance (TUKIN) even higher. (usa)