Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Set International Cooperation Technical Guidelines
Bogor, UIN NEWS Online - Ministry of Religious Affairs through the Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education, Directorate General of Islamic Education drafted the technical guidelines on international cooperation and guidance for international student recruitment. The drafting of this guidance is a step in the internationalization of the State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN).
The preparation was conducted at PTKIN Workshop on International Cooperation which took place in Bogor, 27 February - 1 March 2018. The Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis) M. Arskal Salim GP MA, Sub Directorate of Institutional and Cooperation of Diktis Agus Sholeh and the Section Head underneath were attending the event.
Also present are PTKIN Leaders who handle the field of cooperation. As a guest speaker, Director of Foreign Service Staff School, Ministry of Foreign Affairs M. Aji Surya and Lecturer UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Bahrul Hayat.
Director of Diktis Arskal Salim conveyed that the strengthening of cooperation in the field of sending lecturers and foreign students should be examined more closely, mainly related to the operational guidelines and guidelines in the implementation of this program so that it can run well.
"The ministry has met with the education attachés from several embassies, and they welcomed the program. This is beyond the imagination that was originally not thought but a motivation to get better," he explained, on Tuesday (02/27/2018).
In addition to the promotion of international student scholarships to a number of embassies, the important thing is the readiness of PTKIN in accepting this program. "UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, UIN Sunan Kalijaga and IAIN Purwokerto are now ready,” said Arskal.
"I hope other PTKIN also have the same readiness to accept this program," he continued.
Arskal remembers the message of President Joko Widodo that in order to gain the competitiveness of the nation in the international world, it is time for Indonesia to provide scholarships for foreign students. "I hope for PTKIN who has foreign students to prepare Indonesian language institute with strong data base," he said.
Ari Aji Surya requested that the program need to be well prepared and packed with interest. "Distinction and excellencies of our PTKIN should be presented with a good and well-suited target market, everything must be clear," said Director of SESDILU Kemenlu RI.
Meanwhile, Agus Sholeh added that the meeting will formulate the design and guidance of cooperation which refers to the PMA on foreign aid. "We hope the leaders who travel abroad are currently no longer looking for scholarships but it is time to find students who will be given a scholarship in our PTKI," Agus hoped.
"Hopefully this year PTKIN Internationalization and scholarship International student scholarship programs will goes as planned,” said the Chief of Cooperation Section Yusuf Iwan. (usa-alip-kemenag)