Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Give Public Lecture at UIN Jakarta
Diorama, UIN NEWS Online- In order to establish a college that excels in the era of global competition, the entire university should try to improve its quality. Whether it's a college under the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) or under the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag).
This was conveyed by Minister of Research and Technology Prof H Mohamad Nasir PhD AK while giving a public lecture on Kebijakan Pengembangan Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam di Indonesia, in UIN Jakarta, Monday (04/16/2018), located in Diorama room, Harun Nasution Auditorium campus 1 of UIN Jakarta.
Furthermore, Mohamad Nasir conveyed that religious universities both public and private also need to get a touch of higher education policy that can provide benefits in improving the quality of universities.
"It is meant that there is no gap in terms of human resources and quality between universities under Kemenristekdikti and Kemenag," said Nasir.
Nasir explained, that the problem of quality improvement is now a target priority of Kemenristekdikti. In order to realize it, Kemenristekdikti has cut some regulations to be more relevant with the current times, such as the nomenclature of study program, degree, homebase of regulatory lecturers for that matter also has been simplified.
"For example, the submission of accreditation is now based on online data through the Online Higher Education Accreditation System (SAPTO)," he concluded.
Also present in the event, Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA, Director General of Islamic Education Kemenag Prof. Dr. Phil H. Kamaruddin Amin MA, Director of Islamic Higher Education Directorate General of Islamic Education Kemenag Prof Dr Arskal Salim GP, Secretary Directorate General of Institutional Science and Technology Dikti Kemenristekdikti Dr. Ir Agus Indarjo M Phil.
Before reaching the end of his presentation, Menristekdikti said that from 66 state universities (PTN) in Indonesia who are accredited by A, there are only three who come from State Religious College (PTAN). None of the Private Religion Colleges (PTAS). While the course of study, from 2717 A study programs accredited, less than 10% who came from the Religious College.
"Therefore, Religious Universities can be more focused in improving the quality of colleges and religious study programs, coupled with the improvement of the quality of human resources," he hoped.
At the end of his presentation, Nasir explained about the authority of Kemristekdikti in issuing the permission for public study program opening, permit change for general study program, and revocation of permit of general study program both study program at Public Higher Institution and Religious College. "While the authority of Ministry of Religious Affairs covers the permit for the opening of religious study program, permit change of religious study program, and the revocation of permit of study program of religion both study program residing in Public University and Religious Higher Education," said Nasir.
For information, the Minister of Research and Technology also expressed his support for UIN Jakarta to become State University of Legal Entity (PTN-BH). It was delivered on the sidelines of his presentation at the public lecture. (usa)