Minister of Home Affairs RI is Scheduled to Deliver a Speech at PBAK Opening

Minister of Home Affairs RI is Scheduled to Deliver a Speech at PBAK Opening

Main Meeting Room, UIN NEWS Online  - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri RI) Tjahjo Kumolo is scheduled to deliver a speech in front of thousands of new students of UIN Jakarta on August 27. The Minister of Home Affairs will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Introduction to Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) for new students in the 2018/2019 academic year held on campus.

This was stated by the Chairman of the 2018 PBAK Committee Zaenal Arifin when leading a coordination meeting preparing for the implementation of PBAK in the Main Meeting Room of the Rectorate building, Tuesday (08/21/2018). In addition to the Minister of Home Affairs, General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the United Development Party (DPP PPP) Romahurmuziy or Romi is also scheduled to attend the closing of the PBAK event.

"Insha Allah, the opening will be attended by Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo and Pak Romi will be present at the closing ceremony," he said.

The implementation of PBAK for new students will be held on August 27-30 2018. PBAK with the theme "Developing Islamic, Scientific, and Indonesianness Values ​​in Forming Moderate Muslim Scholars" was attended by around 7,500 students from 12 faculties. Before opening, participants will first take part in the dress rehearsal held on August 24, 2018 at 7:00 am on the campus field.

In the PBAK coordination meeting, the organizing committee will provide the best possible service to all participants and the organizing committee. Services include the provision of facilities and infrastructure, security, health and hygiene.

"Water and toilets must be available. Electricity is also attempted to not be extinguished, so that it does not interfere with PBAK events," said Zaenal who is also the Head of the Academic, Student and Administrative Cooperation Bureau.

Previously, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs Yusron Razak in his briefing reminded that the implementation of PBAK this year could run well and orderly. In addition to the entire series of events must be carried out, facilities and infrastructure were also prepared so that there were no problems in the field.

"All the organizers must work extra, both organizers and implementers. Moreover, the number of PBAK participants this year is quite large. "Don't let things happen that we don't want," he said.

The PBAK preparation meeting was attended by the Head of Student Affairs Umm Baroat, Academic Section Head Edy Suandi, Finance Section Head Siti Sugiarti, and General Section Head Encep Dimyati. (usa-rs)