Medicine and Physician Profession study programs of FK UIN Jakarta receives an “A” accreditation status

Medicine and Physician Profession study programs of FK UIN Jakarta receives an “A” accreditation status

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Medicine and Physician profeesion study programs of the FK (Faculty of Medicine) UIN Jakarta managed to achive an “A” accreditation status from the  Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKES). This achievement is stated through LAM-PTKes Decree Number 0652 of 2021.

The decree states that the Medicine department of FK UIN Jakarta receive an “A” accreditation status with a score of 364. While the Phycisian Profession of FK UIN Jakarta receive an “A” accreditation status with a score of 366.

This acquisition adds to the list of accredited study programs at UIN Jakarta. Based on National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) website accessed by UIN News Online on Tuesday (01/04/2022),  UIN Jakarta has 35 study programs that accredited with an “A” accreditation status and two professional programs that accredited by an "A" accreditation status.

Separately, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis congratulate the FK for this achievement. She hopes that this achievement will further strengthen the academic quality given to the students.

“Hopefully this strengthens our commitment in providing quality education,” said Rector. (zm/usa)