Masykuri Abdillah: The Islamic Nationhood Axis Could Happen
SPs Auditorium, UIN News Online - Islamic Nationhood as part of Islam Wasathiyah interpretation in the frame of ideas, could happen in the political constellation before the 2019 presidential election. However, the emphasis of Islam Islamists should be more oriented towards development.
The above thought was given by Prof Dr Masykuri Abdillah in a Public Discussion entitled "Poros Islam Kebangsaan" held by the Center for Media Studies at Graduate School, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Thursday (03/22/2018).
Wasathiyah Islam referred to by the Director of Graduate School UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, is a middle Islam. Wasathiyyah according to Masykuri, is a very important part of Islam itself. It is part of the characteristics or characteristics of principles in Islam.
"But the problem wasathiyyah sometimes blurred in the middle of the Muslims, in a sense not placed in proportion. And in the context of the 2019 presidential election, this issue is found in various media as a way to raise public sympathy," said Masykuri.
Because the derivative concept of wasathiyyah, he continues, that the meaning of Islam is not only the political aspect of government or should be a government, how development orientation and Islamic aspirations are often heard as representations of functional Islam.
"The history of the Islamic coalition, by looking at the history of Islamic political constellations in the past, is very likely, and could have been caught in 2019. But history also says that it also happens in internal conflicts when an Islamic coalition is formed. This fact should not be forgotten, "said the alumnus of Hamburg University, Germany, Department of Islamic Studies at the Department of Middle Eastern History and Culture.
For that reason, in the view of the Masykuri, there are four pillars that will support each other when the Islamic Axis of Nationality is formed. The four pillars; mass, money, management and media, will be hand in hand.
"Will the coalition of Islamic parties that will be incorporated in the Islamic Nationhood Axis can meet the four pillars? Accommodating the four pillars in building the Islamic Axis of Nationality, is a must," said Masykuri.
Further accommodation by Masykuri, is to accept the aspirations of the people both in the form of ideas and figures that will be used as a symbol in shaping the Islamic Nationhood Axis. Many leaders of PMII alumni, HMI who entered the nationalist party, which can be used as an icon in the movement of Islamic nationhood axis. (usa)