Masjid al-Jamiah UIN Jakarta Holds Ramadan 1445 H Activities

Masjid al-Jamiah UIN Jakarta Holds Ramadan 1445 H Activities

Rectorate Building, UIN Online News - Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid (DKM) Al-Jamiah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta roots held a number of activities during the holy month of Ramadan 1445 H/2024 M. "As a month full of majesty, we welcome the month of Ramadan with various activities that have been prepared by DKM Al-Jami'ah UIN Jakarta," said Prof. Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc., MA, Chairman of DKM Al-Jami'ah UIN Jakarta period 2024-2027.

This was revealed in the Tarhib Ramadan activity of Al-Jami'ah Mosque UIN Jakarta held on Friday, March 8, 2024 which was attended by DKM Al-Jamiah board, Puji Ta'lim UIN Jakarta board, Hiqma board and members, lecturers, and students of UIN Jakarta.

The activities carried out are organized to involve various parties, including UIN Jakarta leaders, Faculty leaders, lecturers, and students in UIN Jakarta. "In addition to improving the quality of worship, it is also intended to increase knowledge and better understanding of Islam," said Prof. Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc., MA.

Jadwal Kultum Masjid al-Jamiah

During the month of Ramdan, there are a number of activities that will be held. First, "Kitab Kuning recitation" with a number of lecturers who are held every Monday to Friday, starting at 11:00 am until Zhuhr. Among those studied are Tijan Darori, Arbain al-Nawawi, Safinat al-Najah, Ta'lim al-Muta'allim, and Tuhfath al-Athfal.

Second, lectures ba'da zhuhur prayer by raising various issues and disciplines of knowledge that will be filled by the leadership of UIN Jakarta and the Faculty in UIN Jakarta.

Third, prayer together every ba'da asr on Friday. "This joint prayer is intended to close the day of each week by praying to Allah so that activities during the past week can be assessed as good and become material for improvement for the next period," said Chairman of DKM Aljamiah.

Fourth, the commemoration of nuzulul quran as a momentum to increase the meaning of the Quran. "In addition, of course, a number of other routine activities as they have been running will be carried out," said the permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Dirasah Islamiyah further.

"We hope that some of the activities of DKM Al-Jamiah during the month of Ramadan can be enjoyed and have a contribution for all of us, amen", concluded Prof. Dr. Hamka Hasan, Lc, MA. (Suwendi/Linda)

Jadwal Kajian Kitab Kuning Masjid al-Jamiah



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