MAI encourages sexual violence prevention program

MAI encourages sexual violence prevention program

Syahida Inn, UIN News Online – Indonesian Council of Muslim Women Scholars  (MAI) held a hybrid (online and offline) workshop titled “Kontribusi Ilmuwan Muslimah dalam Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual” on Saturday (02/19/2022) at Syahida Inn, campus II of UIN Jakarta and officially opened by the Indonesian Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati.

Gusti Ayu in her opening remarks appreciated the holding this activity. According to Gusti Ayu, this activity is a form of MAI's concern for crucial issues that occur in society. “Sexual violence can happen to anyone, especially women and children,” she said.

The state, she said, is strongly committed to providing a sense of security and protection from threats that violates human dignity. This commitment was shown by President Joko Widodo through a limited meeting on January 9, 2020 which prioritized preventive actions, complaint services, violence management by establishing one stop services, law enforcement processes that provide a deterrent effect and social rehabilitation for victims.

Inline with GustI Ayu, MAI understands the urgency for the DPR to immediately ratify the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (TPKS). However, MAI requires that the regulation prioritizes prevention, protection, and treatment of victims. In addition, legal steps taken must be able to provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators.

On the same occasion, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis who also served as Chairman of MAI said that the eradication of sexual violence must be encouraged with proper regulation. Indeed, the TPKS Bill still needs to be refined, because there are still many gaps that must be clarified and harmonized with existing laws such as the Criminal Code, the Anti-Pornography Law, the Child Protection Law, and other laws.

However, if the TPKS Bill is passed, there will be a clearer mechanism for handling victims of sexual violence and legal action for the perpetrators.

“Regarding the issue of sexual violence, MAI tries to participate in protecting the community. Currently, there are still many unsolved problems. This can no longer happen. Everyone must move and speak up because the victim is protected by law,” said Rector Amany.

For information, this workshop invited several resource persons including the Director General of Education at the Ministry of Religion Muhammad Ali Ramdani, Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, Professor of IPB and MAI Supervisory Board Member Aida Vitayala, Professor of UIN Bandung and Chair of the MAI West Java Region Nina Nurmila, and Lemhanas professional staff Ninik Rahayu.

Also present in the event, Turkish Ambasaddor to Indonesia H.E. Aşkın Asan who also provided information related to the issue of sexual violence in her country. This event was also attended by 80 participants as well as several invitees from Malaysia and Thailand (al/sam/mf/usa)