Ma’had Jami’ah to Apply a New Concept
Rectorate building, UIN News Online - Referring to the regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 6 Year 2013 about UIN Jakarta Organization and Working Procedures, mentioned that Ma’had al-Jami’ah is one of the Technical Implementing Units who supervises several dormitories.
“There are two terms for a student residence in UIN Jakarta today, dormitory and Ma’had. We will do the unification of those two terms to become Ma'had al-Jami'ah.†Said the Head of Ma’had al-Jami’ah Dr Akhmad Sodiq MA in his office, Tuesday, (10/11).
As an initial step, he continues, the five buildings under Ma'had al-Jami'ah will be renamed. Ma’had Putra (for male students) will be renamed to Ma’had Syekh Nawawi. The female dormitory will be renamed to Ma’had Sharifa Muda’im. The male dormitory will be renamed to Ma’had Sheikh Abdul Karim. Male dormitory of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK) will be renamed to Ma’had Sheikh Asnawi, and the female dormitory of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences will be renamed to Ma’had Sharifa Khadijah.
According to Sodiq, these changes of name are quite reasonable, because the names are still linked to the name of the Syarif Hidayatullah. Syeikh Nawawi (Born in 1813), for example, is an Ulema from Banten which had International standards. He was a descendant of Maulana Hasanuddin son of Sunan Gunung Jati (Syarif Hidayatullah) Cirebon. Whereas Syekh Abdul Karim (born in 1840), is an Ulema from Tanara Banten who become the Khalifah Tarikat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyyah (TQN) in Southeast Asia and Makkah al-Mukarromah. His great-grandfather was Maulana Hasanuddin.
The next is Sheikh Asnawi (born in 1850) from Caringin Banten, who is a descendant of Raden Fatah. He was a student of Sheikh Nawawi. Sharifah Mudaim is the mother of Syarif Hidayatullah and Sharifah Khadijah who is a daughter of Syarif Hidayatullah, and her descendants later became the forerunner of the great Ulemas of Pasuruan, East Java
In carrying out daily activities, Ma’had al-Jami’ah will optimize the role of mud abir and mud abb Iroh (caretaker) both male and female with the proportion of 1: 15, and will be supported with a monitoring book and a guidebook in worshipping, zikr, and prayer as a tool to be used as a benchmark program.
“With the optimum assistance from the mud abir and mud abb Iroh, I expected that the new “culture†in Ma’had could be realized very soon.†He hoped (mf/ika p/umar)