Lukman Hakim Saifuddin: PIONIR to strengthen the silaturahmi between PTKIN students
Malang, UIN News Online – Minister of Religious Affairs of Republic Indonesia Lukman Hakim Saifuddin inaugurated the opening of Sports, Art, Research and Science Week (Pionir) of State Islamic Higher Institution (PTKIN) Indonesia at UIN Malang, East Java, Monday (07/15/2019).
Lukman in his remarks said that the purpose of this event is to sharpen the intellectuality of the student through research, arts and sports.
“In addition to seeking the students who are excel in various competition, this event also aim to strengthen the silaturahmi among PTKI students,” he said.
On the same occasion, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis expects that all athletes to truly participate in each branch competed, to maintain the sportsmanship and good name of the alma mater.
For information, more than 2300 PTKIN students will participate in the event. There are four categories that will be competed; scientific, sports, art and research. The scientific field consists of four races, namely: Arabic Debate, English Debate, Musabaqah Qur’anic Paper (MMQ) and Musabaqah Qiraatul Kutub (MQK).
Moreover, the sports fields consists of ten branches of sport, namely Futsal, Volley Ball, Ping Pong, Badminton, Chess, Wall Climbing, Sepak  Takraw, Pencak Silat, Basketball and Karate. While art and research fields will include scientific article and innovative products competition. (usa)