LPM UIN Jakarta holds workshop on study program accreditation instrument
LPM, UIN News Online – Institute for Quality and Assurance (LPM) of UIN Jakarta holds Study Program Accreditation Instrument (IAPS) 9 Kriteria, Thursday, (07/11/2019) at Karumba meeting room, Mercure Hotel, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta.
Present in the event, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, Head of LPM UIN Jakarta Asep Saefudin Jahar, Director and Vice Director for Region I Kopertais, Director of SPs UIN Jakarta, Deans and Deputy Deans, Department Heads of UIN Jakarta.
Rector in her remarks expects that the nine accreditation criteria would be able to increase the acceleration and quality of study program accreditation in the UIN Jakarta.
“The positions of Higher Education and study programs in the new accreditation system are both strategic and challenging. Therefore, both components must be able to complement each other,” said Rector.
With these nine criteria, she continues, it was hoped that the values and work ethic would be applied to all campus communities. Therefore, every component in the UIN Jakarta must create a clear, measurable and visionary strategic plan.
Meanwhile, the Head of LPM UIN Jakarta Asep Saefudin Jahar confirms that the nine socialized criteria are useful to improve the quality of study programs in UIN Jakarta.
“This new APS model is based on output that applies to all components. The substance of each standard leads to output and its contribution to the Institute, society and science. Therefore, the vision and mission, goals and strategies are the main parts to cover other criteria. We also need to carefully formulate the criteria for governance, students, human resources, facilities and finance, education, research, community service outcomes and the achievements of three pillars of higher education,” said Asep.
At the end of his remarks, Asep hope these criteria could provide positive contribution to the development of science at UIN Jakarta. (usa/lrf/hmn/aw)