LPM UIN Jakarta Holds Refreshment of BKD Assessors

LPM UIN Jakarta Holds Refreshment of BKD Assessors

LPM, UIN News Online – In order to improve the quality of the Lecturer Workload (BKD) assessment by assessors, LPM UIN Jakarta again held a refreshment of BKD assessors in the Diorama room, October 1, 2018. The invited participants were senior assessors and UIN Jakarta lecturers with the rank of head lector who would be projected as assessor candidates. On that occasion, LPM UIN Jakarta invited 2 speakers from the Ministry of Religion, Dr. Syafi'i and the Ministry of Research and Technology, Prof. Aan Komariah.

In the context of the teaching profession, According to Syafi'i, there are several things that distinguish lecturers from teachers. If teachers are more often known as professional educators, while lecturers are not only known as professional educators but also a scientist. The term lecturer as a scientist must be balanced by the performance of lecturers in carrying out their main tasks, namely transforming, developing, and disseminating science and technology through education, research and community service.

In the context of BKD lecturer assessment, Aan Komariah said that there were important points in the BKD assessment. These important things are the professionalism of the lecturers in implementing the Tridarma of Higher Education, the fulfillment of lecturers' performance above the quality standards, the process and results of education, the accountability of lecturer performance, the activities of lecturers in creating a good academic atmosphere, and the professionalism of lecturers for the realization of national education. In addition, the purpose of holding a BKD lecturer assessment is to improve the professionalism of lecturers in carrying out their duties, improve the quality of educational processes and results, improve lecturer performance accountability, improve the academic atmosphere in universities, and accelerate the realization of national education goals.

Fulfillment of BKD is a requirement that must be carried out by lecturers to obtain lecturer professional allowances. Previously the lecturers must pass the lecturer certification process first. In accordance with Law No. 14 of 2005 Article 45, in order to obtain certification of educators, the lecturer must fulfill the requirements of having work experience as an educator at a university for at least 2 (two) years, having an academic position at least an expert assistant and passing a certification conducted by a university held a program to procure educational staff at universities established by the Government. (usa)