LPM UIN Jakarta carries out a consignment of Analysis of the AIUA-QA Framework and Manual

LPM UIN Jakarta carries out a consignment of Analysis of the AIUA-QA Framework and Manual

LPM, UIN News Online – Since 2015, the Asian Islamic University Association (AIUA) has developed a system of guaranteeing the quality of Islam in improving academic standards and improving education, research and services in accordance with international standards (AIUA-QA). AIUA-QA aims to provide college guarantee certification to Islamic universities in Asia.

The framework used refers to strategic QA (institutional), systemic QA (Internal QA system), functional QA (education, research and service). To finalize the concept of the Asian Islamic University Association Framework (AIUA-QA) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a consignment of the framework analysis and the AIUA-QA manual. The event lasted for 3 days, from 29 to 31 August 2018 in Bogor Indah Nirwana, Puncak, Bogor.

The first day of the opening of the consignment by the Vice Rector I of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Dr. Fadhillah Suralaga, MA continued the discussion and sharing about the Overview of the Agenda and its relation to TOA, and the Piloting of the Institutional QA Assessment of AIUA with resource persons Dr. Muhammad Fakhri Husain (UIN Yogyakarta) and the sharing team Dr. Kusmana, Dr. Suparto, Dr. Euis Amelia, Edi Sanjaya, MA. The second day discussion related to the Wrap up Review of AIUA-QA Framework and Finalization of the institutional preparation for piloting the QA Assessment of AIUA presented speakers from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Dr. Ferdinand who shares team with Dr. Sururin, Dr. Kusmana, Dr. Suparto, Dr. Euis Amelia, Edi Sanjaya, M. Si, and Dr. Jejen Jaenuddin. Day three of the preparation for piloting the institutional QA Assessment of AIUA.

AUN with AIUA has a similarity in form, the form of assessment and not accreditation, as is done by BAN-PT. Clarity of the Framework of Islamic values ​​becomes an emphasis stressing. In addition, it discusses the requirements of the AIUA-QA Assesor. And the next agenda is the AIUA-QA Assessor Training and Training scheduled for mid-October. The closing of the event by the Vice Rector I of the State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Dr. Fadhillah Suralaga. (usa-rs)