LPM UIN Jakarta - Pusdiklat Ministry of Religious Affairs RI Holds Training of Trainers on Strengthening Religious Moderation for PTK Lecturers

LPM UIN Jakarta - Pusdiklat Ministry of Religious Affairs RI Holds Training of Trainers on Strengthening Religious Moderation for PTK Lecturers

Jakarta, UIN News Online - The Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) of UIN Jakarta in collaboration with the Training Center of the Ministry of Religious Affairs this year is mandated to become the Organizing College (PTP) in the Training of Trainers (TOT) Strengthening Religious Moderation for lecturers of Religious Universities (PTK).

The TOT was held in one full week, starting from November 27 to December 3, 2023 at the Royal Palm Hotel & Conference Center Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

The Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. H. Nizar Ali, M.Ag., attended the opening of the event which was held on Monday (27/11/23). In his remarks, he said that strengthening religious moderation needs to be done continuously because we can still try to suppress the practice of extremism and be adaptive in seeing the diversity of Indonesian society.

"Actually, we cannot eradicate extremism, we can only suppress cases of extremism or terrorism. And we know that Indonesia is very pluralistic. Then, the society is also religious, a society whose life is closely related to religion, "said Prof. Nizar.

Prof. Ali also said that strengthening religious moderation has been included in the top six programs initiated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This program has been practiced starting from echelon 1 consisting of the director general, secretary general, irjen, and head of the agency, to work units in possible areas.

He also hoped that after attending the TOT, participants would be able to detect early cases of extremism around them and contribute to strengthening religious moderation for students and the academic community in their respective universities.

"This is the most necessary action to early detect whether our surroundings are exposed to extremism or not, and if there is, we already know what to do," said Prof. Nizar.

Prof. Ali also advised all participants to be able to apply the four indicators formulated by the religious moderation group, namely national spirit, tolerance, non-violence, and adaptive to local culture.

He also hoped that with this TOT event, all participants could maintain a balance between religious rights and national matters so that we must keep it in harmony and make religious moderation a middle way in national and religious life.

On the same occasion, Prof. Dr. Khamami, M.A., as the Chairperson of the UIN Jakarta Quality Assurance Agency, also expressed his pride because LPM UIN Jakarta was mandated to organize an interesting program that became a continuation of the moderation group of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

"This is a very interesting program as part of the government's steps for lecturers, civil servants, and all government employees to have moderate understanding, behavior, or practices," said Prof. Khamami. (Selvia Parwati Putri/Zaenal Muttaqien)