LP2M UIN Surabaya Conducts Comparative Study Visit to FITK UIN Jakarta
FITK, UIN News Online – FITK UIN Jakarta received a visit from LP2M UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya on Monday (05/23/2022) in the meeting room of FITK UIN Jakarta. The meeting discussed a number of main topics regarding mobile-blended learning strategies in learning Islamic studies towards cyber-UIN.
The visit was received directly by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Kadir, accompanied by the Deputy Dean for General Administration Abdul Muin, Head of the PAI Masters Program Abdul Ghofur, Head of the Physics Education Study Program Iwan Permana Suwarna, Head of Administration Section Edy Suandi, Sub Coord Saprudi, and the public relations department of FITK Muslikh Amrullah.
Kadir in his speech said that he was honored to be visited by LP2M UIN Surabaya. “Welcome Mr / Mrs from LP2M UIN Surabaya. It is an honor for us, Mr/Mrs to visit FITK UIN Jakarta,” said Kadir.
Kadir said that UIN Jakarta, especially FITK, managed to get through the pandemic, even though at the beginning of the pandemic we felt confused because covid came so suddenly. “Maybe all education providers feel confused about what media to use in learning during the pandemic before we finally find various ways and learning methods,” said Kadir.
In line with Kadir, Abdul Muin also said the same thing regarding the conditions in dealing with the pandemic. “At the beginning of the outbreak of the corona pandemic, several campuses immediately adopted a lockdown policy. After a while, UIN Jakarta began to stop all service and lecture activities,” he said.
Abdul Muin also added that after one month, we finally tried to carry out all activities including services and lectures using online media. The media used at that time varied, starting with the WhatsApp application, Google Meet, and recently the Zoom meeting.
“All lectures are conducted online, except for experimental courses which are permitted by the university leadership based on the rector's circular letter. It also continues to be carried out under strict health protocols. In addition to lectures, exams are also conducted online, such as proposal exams, theses, theses, including the implementation of PPG which is held fully online,” said Muin.
On the same occasion, Head of Administration section at FITK UIN Jakarta Edy Suandi said, online lectures have various impacts ranging from positive and negative. “Online lectures are better because we don't have to prepare and worry about the lack of classrooms because no matter how many people attend lectures, they can all be accommodated because lectures are held online. But on the other hand, because lectures are held online, the campus is quiet, classrooms and lecture equipment are not well maintained and many corners of the campus are dirty,” said Edy. (fitk/musam/usa)