Liven Milad: The Academic Civitas and UIN Jakarta Follow Walk at Monas
Jakarta, UIN NEWS Online-- All leaders and members of the academic community of UIN Jakarta participate and follow the movements of a leisurely stroll at the National Monument (Monas), Sunday (29/05/16). In addition to order to enliven milad 59th UIN Jakarta, themed events Carnival Mangala: ADIA 59-year-IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah for the World is also filled with the submission of the declaration of peace by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA.
In his speech, the Rector of UIN Jakarta confirmed that commitment of world peace should more oftenly be encorparated. "UIN Jakarta with Islamic principles rahmatan lil Worlds, tolerant Islam, moderate Islam committed to upholding world peace and strongly rejects all kinds of violence, oppression and strife in the name of anything, which violates the religious values ​​and applicable law in- NKRI, "he said.
Moreover, still according to the Rector, the implementation of this fun run in order to enliven 59th UIN Jakarta Milad, health care, and the brotherhood of all academic faculties UIN Jakarta. After the submission of the declaration of the event was officially opened by the release of doves by the Rector and Vice-Chancellor.
Events attended by approximately 2,000 participants took the start in the court of Monas walk towards the roundabout and back to the hotel Indonesia Monas. After that, the event continued with the distribution of door Prizes and entertainment, with the appearance of foreign students and several Student Activity Unit (UKM) UIN Jakarta.
When ditemu UIN NEWS Online team, one participant Didi UIN Jakarta Maldini students really appreciate this event, in addition to enliven the 59th Milad of UIN Jakarta, other things that can be sensed was that their closeness between leaders and students.
"I hope that this activity should not only be implemented once a year, but it would be very beneficial if a few times or often implemented. Related milad UIN Jakarta, as a student I pray that UIN Jakarta will advance, developing, and can reach what he aspired," he said. (LRF) Translated by: Ihsan/Safee