Lecturers of UIN Jakarta utilizes social media platform as a medium for Islamic teaching and learning

Lecturers of UIN Jakarta utilizes social media platform as a medium for Islamic teaching and learning

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Social media has become a public space today. In addition to being a communication media, social media is a space for everyone to carry out various activities, ranging from economics, education. In addition, social media has also become an effective medium for Islamic teaching and learning practices.

For this reason, a number of UIN Jakarta lecturers began to utilize various social media platforms as a teaching and learning medium. In addition to fiqh studies, they also deliver their teachings in the fields of Sufism, interpretation of the Koran, and so on. This allows anyone to access the recitation from an authoritative religious teacher.

Based on UIN News Online observation, some lecturers delivered their lessons by reading the respective reference books and explaining their contents through various platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Nurul Irfan for example, he delivered his lesson through M. Nurul Irfan channel on Youtube and m_nurulirfan on Instagram. In accordance with his scientific background, he deliverd a lot of fiqh learning material. Two studies of the kitab kuning which he had taught were the study of the Book of al-Majmu 'Syarh al-Muhadzab li al-Syairazy by Imam Abu Zakariya Muhyidin bin Syarf al-Nawawy and the Book of Fathul Qarib Al-Mujib fi Syarhi Alfazh Al-Taqrib or Al-Qawl Al- Mukhtar fi Syarh Ghayatil Ikhtishar by Muhammad bin Qasim bin Muhammad Al-Ghazi ibn Al-Gharabili Abu Abdillah Syamsuddin.

In addition to Fiqh, Irfan also conveyed the study of Sufism by studying the book of Tanbihul Ghafilin by Abu Laits As-Samarqandy. In addition to the study of the book, Irfan also delivered the study material based on selected topics such as fasting, marriage, although still referring to the kitab kuning.

Like Irfan, associate professor from the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta Abdul Moqsith Ghazali also opened online recitation activities. The teacher of Ijtima 'I Interpretation, Ahkam Interpretation, and Usul Fiqh in the Study Program of Al-Quran and Tafsir actively deliver his online study.

Through his YouTube channel, Abdul Moqsith Ghazali, he organizes the study of the kitab kuning in the areas of Tafseer, Usul Fiqh, and Fiqh. In the field of fiqh he gave a study of Fathul Mu'in Bi Syarhi Qurrotul A'in Bimuhimmatid-Din by Shaykh Zainuddin Al-Malibari, while for the study of Usul Fiqih he deliver a study of Syarah al-Waraqat by Jalaluddin al-Mahalli.

While in the field of tafseer, he taught the tafser of al-Jalalayn by Jalaluddin Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Mahally and Jalaluddin Abdurrahman bin Abu Bakr As-Suyuthi, and at-Tafsir al-Wasith li al-Karim by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid 'Athiyyah Thantawi. (usa/zm)