Lecturers of FEB UIN Jakarta earned risk management competence

Lecturers of FEB UIN Jakarta earned risk management competence

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Three lecturers at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta were declared competent in the Risk Management Scheme. The achievement of these competencies was considered positive in developing the quality of educational resources within the faculty.

The official release of FEB UIN Jakarta, Thursday (10/07/2021), stated that these competencies were obtained in the assessment of the Main Investment Banking Scheme or Certified Investment Banking last August. The assessment itself is carried out by the Capital Market Professional Certification Institute or LSPPM at TUK TAP Kapital Indonesia.

In order to manage risk at the Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Jakarta, there are three lecturers who take part in the Risk Management certification program at LSPPM.

The release also added that the three lecturers who were considered competent were Euis Amalia, Mohammad Nur Rianto al-Arif, and Murdiyah Hayati. Euis was declared competent with the Intermediate Risk Management Scheme (Certified Risk Associate/CRA) and Main Risk Management Scheme (Certified Risk Professional/CRP) on September 16, 2021.

Nur Rianto was declared competent with the Intermediate Risk Management Scheme (Certified Risk Associate/CRA) and the Main Risk Management Scheme (Certified Risk Professional/CRP) on 19 June 2021. In addition, Nur Rianto was also declared competent for this competency certification with the Main Investment Banking Scheme (Certified Investment Banking/CIB) on August 14, 2021.

Meanwhile, Murdiyah was declared competent with the Intermediate Risk Management Scheme (Certified Risk Associate/CRA) on September 25, 2021.

It is known that risk management competence is needed by the parties involved in an organization. Effective risk management is needed to help an organization's performance and reputation in an uncertain environtment.

One of those risk management is the ISO 31000:2018 risk management standard. This standard provides principles, frameworks and processes for managing risk and can be used by any organization. Implementing ISO 31000 alone can help organizations to ensure the achievement of objectives, improve identification of opportunities and threats, and allocate and effectively use resources to address various risks. (usa/zm)