Lecturer team of FIKES UIN Jakarta wins Ministry of Health grant

Lecturer team of FIKES UIN Jakarta wins Ministry of Health grant

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Lecturer Team of the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) of UIN Jakarta won the Higher Education self-management grant from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

This was said by a member of the implementing team, Iting Shofwati via a short message to UIN News Online on Tuesday (07/06/2021).

Iting said that the Director of Occupational Health and Sports of the Directorate General of Public Health (Dirjen Kesmas) of the Ministry of Health sent a Call for Proposal letter to 10 Deans of Higher Education. One of them was sent to the Dean of Fikes UIN Jakarta.

The letter stated that the Fikes UIN Jakarta was invited to contribute to the implementation of cooperation related to occupational health efforts.

“There are four topics of activities that will be carried out in collaboration, but we only sent three proposals,’ said Iting

First, the proposal for the Development of a Reproductive Health Surveillance System for Women Workers in Industry based on partnership collaboration in the context of Accelerating the Reduction of Stunting, MMR and IMR in Bekasi district in 2021.

Second, Second, the proposal for the Development of a Reproductive Health Surveillance System for Women Workers in MSMEs based on partnership collaboration in the context of Accelerating the Reduction of Stunting, MMR and IMR in Bekasi district in 2021.

Third, she continued, proposal for the Development of the Reproductive Health Surveillance System for Women Workers in offices based on partnership collaboration in the context of Accelerating the Reduction of Stunting, MMR and IMR in Bekasi district in 2021.

“Alhamdulillah, from the three proposals that we presented, one proposal was accepted, namely the first proposal,” she said.

The proposal, she said, was made by an implementing team consisting of 16 Fikes lecturers, namely Dr Minsarnawati SKM MKes, Catur Rosidati SKM MKM, M Iqbal Nurmansyah SKM MSc, Narila Mutia Nasir SKM MKM PhD, Raihana Nadra Alkaf SKM MKM PhD, Rahma Hidanuriska SKM MKM, Dr Iting Shofwati ST MKKK, Siti Rahmah HL MKKK, Dewi Utami Iriani SKM MKes PhD, Izza Hananingtyas SKM, Meliana Sari SKM MKM, Dr Febrianti MSi, Yustiani SGz MSi, Baequni SKM Ariyantis PhD, Fajar MKes PhD SKM MKes PhD, and Dela Aristi SKM MKM.

“We just received an invitation to discuss the Budget Plan (RBA) which will be held virtually on Wednesday, July 7, 2021,” she said. (usa/mf)