Lecturer of FST UIN Jakarta Successfully Achieves the Patent Certificate
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Faculty of Science and Technology lecturer, Dr. Elpawati achieves the patent certificate for the invention of ‘Komposisi Penghancur Sampah Organik dan Proses Pembuatannya’ (Composition of Organic Waste Crusher and its Manufacturing Process). This patent certificate is issued by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (DJKI Kemenkum HAM) on April 24 by the patent number IDP000050799.
Elpawati said that her product is the result of her research since 2011 by using Rp75 million research grant from LP2M UIN Jakarta. The product research continues to be developed with a research grant from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as much as Rp150 million in 2012.
Research the product is resumed in order to achieve perfect results in the year 2013-2014 with independent funds. By the end of 2014, Elpawati registered her product to obtain a patent certificate from DJKI Kemenkum HAM RI.
“After three years and four months, they finally issued the patent certificate,” said Elpawati to UIN News Online, Thursday (04/26/2018).
Elpawati, who also serve as FST UIN Jakarta Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs said that she wants to create her own organic waste destroyer based from microorganisms that come from her own surrounding environment, not from other countries.
“This organic waste destroyer consists of bacteria and fungi, which play a role to accelerate the organic waste decomposition process. In addition to crush the organic waste, this product also functions as a liquid fertilizer, as if splashed into planting medium, this product can increase the absorption of nutrients in the soil,” she explained.
Separately, Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis), Ministry of Religious Affairs Prof Dr Arskal Salim GP MA appreciate her achievement. Arskal hopes that the achievements obtained by Elpawati can be an example for other State Islamic Higher Education Institution (PTKIN) lecturers. “This patent certificate may also provide motivation to the other PTKIN lecturers to raise more research that will have implications on patents, not just for publication,” said Arskal. (usa)