LDK Syahid Distributes Qurban in Scavengers Village
Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online– Da'wa Campus Institute (LDK) Syahid UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, one of UIN Student Activity Unit (UKM) UIN Jakarta through Solidarity Post of Ummah (PSU) Semi -Autonomous Institution (LSO) held sacrificial animal slaughtering on Saturday (2/9/2017) in LDK Syahid Patron Village.
“The village was Scavengers Village in Jalan Mawar, Ciputat, South Tangerang,” said Chairman of LDK Mushab.
The main professions of the residents in this area, he continued, besides to scavengers are construction laborers and laundry workers. On Eid-al adha this time, the PSU received 8 sacrificial goats. 4 goats are individual sacrifices, 4 other goats are contributions from several forums of LDK Syahid forces.
He explained, before the sacrificial animal slaughtering agenda in the morning, the committee distributed 100 coupons of sacrificial meat. After Zuhur Prayer, the committee began to weigh and distribute the sacrificial meat to the people.
In addition to the sacrificial meat that comes from cutting in the morning, he added, residents also get 80 Superqurban corned beef from Rumah Zakat. The committee which is a volunteer student from UIN Jakarta also invites the children in the village to cook sate and eat together.
"Alhamdulillah, the atmosphere of Scavenger Village was so cheerful on that day," she said.
One of the PSU Female Coordinator Tasya expressed her happiness because she can share with the scavenger villagers. She said that this activity can be a sacrificial learning event and increase the spirit to sacrifice for friends of students, especially members of LDK Syahid who are involved.
"May this sacrifice be blessed and beneficial to the community of scavenger. The recipient is grateful for receiving, the giver is grateful for being able to give. Sacrifice is the most beloved practice of Allah in Eid al-Adha, “ said Tasya representing the hope of victims volunteers PSU LDK Syahid. (usa)