LDK and HIQMA Hold Subuh Prayers’ Congregation

LDK and HIQMA Hold Subuh Prayers’ Congregation

Al-Jami'ah Mosque, UIN NEWS Online - Student Activity Unit Campus Propagation Institute (LDK) and Qariah Qari Student Association (HIQMA) UIN Jakarta held 18th Forum of a succession movement on Subuh congregation (GSJN) Gathering coordinate with Campus Propagation Institute (FSLDK) Banten. GSJN activities carried out since Friday night (10/03/2017) to Saturday (11/03/2017) morning at Al-Jami'ah mosque UIN Jakarta.

The activities opened by the Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Yusron Razak MA was attended by the board and the members of each Student Activity Unit (UKM). In his speech, Yusron said, UIN Jakarta appreciates GSJN activities which organized by both LDK and HIQMA UIN Jakarta. He hopes the event will forge the spiritual side of the students themselves. "This activity is also inspiring because it can give a good image to the academic community college," he said.

GSJN was held simultaneously in 40 universities in Indonesia with a focus on Nurul Huda Mosque, State University of Eleven March (UNS) Surakarta. The event broadcasted via Video Conference, so it can be followed by thousands of participant students of GSJN throughout Indonesia.

This agenda is supported by the presence of several national leaders such as Dr. Ir KH Mohammad Nuh, DEA, Prof. H. M Mahfud M.D., SH., SU and Dr (H.C) H Ary Ginanjar Agustian, and the Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohamad Nasir who directly lead khatmil Qur'an.

Meanwhile, Chairman of LDK Syahid Mus'ad Izzudin expressed his gratitude for the rector appreciation from his remarks to LDK Syahid and HIQMA. "They are proud because we have sought the name of UIN Jakarta through Qur'anic morality," said Mus'ab.

The same appreciation was also expressed by Head Puskomnas FSLDK Indonesia Ridwan Dwiatmojo Hanafi. "Implementation of this GSJN is a manifestation of our commitment and all Indonesian students to glorify al-Quran and keep at dawn to welcome the rise of Islam," Hanafi concluded. (im)