KPI Students Studying Journalism in "Tangsel Pos"

Tangsel, UIN News Online – To increase the knowledge and experience of students in the field of journalism and mass media, students from the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting program study UIN Jakarta visited “Tangsel Pos†editorial office at ITC Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang, Banten.
The group was welcomed by the General Manager of Tangsel Pos Atho Al Rahman and the Manager of Advertising and Marketing Firdaus. During the visit, the students get a direct explanation regarding the media production.
“This visit to provide additional knowledge to the students in the field of journalism in accordance with what they learned in class,†said the Nanang Syaikhu, the Journalism lecturer from UIN Jakarta who accompanied the group.
According to Nanang, the students are needed to understand the ins and outs of the mass media. He also added that the students could draw the experiences from the journalist on how to find, how to acquire, and how to write news following the ethical rules of Journalism.
Meanwhile, the General Manager of Tangsel Pos Atho Al Rahman says that the students should be understood about the journalism process. In this profession, he continued, the challenges are quite significant, for example, how to deal with the resource persons, data searching or to investigate a case.
“It takes skill and expertise to be a journalist,†he said.
As a news reporter, a journalist must be mentally and physically strong. Another important thing is how a journalist complies with the ethical codes of journalistic.
“The ethical codes were made as a sign to the journalists so that they do not make a mistake in writing or broadcasting the news. If there is any mistake, the consequences could be fatal,†said Atho. (ika p/umar)