Kemenag Tangsel-UIN Jakarta agree to cooperate

Kemenag Tangsel-UIN Jakarta agree to cooperate

Tangsel, UIN News Online – To improve the madrasa’s educational quality, office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in South Tangerang agreed to establish cooperation with FITK UIN Jakarta.

The head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in South Tangerang office Abdur Rojak in his remarks said that he will continue to oversee the quality of education in madrasas by continuing to improve the quality of its educators.

According to Abdur Rojak, this collaboration aims to provide mutual support and institutional strengthening between the two parties as an effort to improve the quality of education in madrasas, Islamic religious education in schools, and the community.

“As the biggest State Islamic University in Indonesia, UIN Jakarta has high credibility in producing the high quality Muslim educators,” he said.

On the same occasion, Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin said that FITK UIN Jakarta has a responsibility to contribute in South Tangerang. “Because our location is in the Banten area, so we feel we have a moral responsibility to contribute to this city,“ said Sururin.

For the scope of cooperation, she continued, it will includes the quality improvement for educators and educational staff in madrasas, improving  the quality of Islamic religious education, madrasah management development, , community service through educational services, and student development.

“We are opening a PAI Masters Scholarship Program specifically for Fiqh teachers. The quota will be limited 20 people. We will prioritize applicants who are madrasa teachers in South Tangerang,” she added. (usa/lrf/mf)