Kemenag RI Will Organize the Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) 2018
Jakarta, UIN News Online – The Ministry of Religious Affairs RI (Kemenag RI) will organize the Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) 2017 raising the theme on “Islam in Globalizing World: Text, Knowledge, and Practice”. This event is a series of International Islamic Education Expo (IIEE) which will be held at IAIN Datokarama, Palu Monday-Thursday, (09/17-20/2018).
Based on release obtained by UIN News Online, (09/09/2017), this event will explore several sub-themes, among them are; The Quran, Hadith and Contemporary Interpreatation; Islam education, Culture and Knowledge Production; Muslim Mobilities, Migration and Diaspora; Authors, Texts, and Islamic Thought; Piety, Popular Islamism and Media; Agency, Power, Populism, and Local Politics; Islamic Economics, AEC and SDGs; Interreligious Relations and Minority Affairs; Science and Technology in Islamic Universities; Islamic Visual Arts, Architecture and Performance.
This conference will present two keynote speakers, namely Jowo Widodo (President of RI), Lukman Hakim Saifuddin (Minister of Religios Affairs, RI) and Sadiq Khan (The first Muslim Mayor of London).
Additionally, AICIS 2017 will present a number of resource persons, namely Prof. Dr. Phil. H. Kamaruddin Amin, M.A. (Director General of Islamic Education) Dr. Amelia Fauzia (Asia Research Institute - National University of Singapore) Prof. Dr. H. M. Amin Abdullah (UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta) Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M.Hum. (Expert staff of Indonesia’s Minister of Religious Affairs), Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Gunther (Albert Ludwig Universitat, Freiburg, Germany) Dr. Hew Wai Weng (University Kebangsaan Malaysia) Dr. Ken Miichi (Waseda University, Japan) Dr. Inaya Rakhmani (Universitas Indonesia). (usa)