Kemenag RI Chose UIN Jakarta as the Best PTKI

Kemenag RI Chose UIN Jakarta as the Best PTKI

Serpong, UIN News Online – The Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) RI chose UIN Jakarta as the best Islamic Religious Higher Education (PTKI) in terms of governance management. The award was given during the Islamic education appreciation night in the Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) 2017 at Indonesia Convention Exhibition Building BSD, Serpong, South Tangerang,

The award was given by the General Directorate of Islamic Education Secretary (Sesditjen) Kemenag RI Prof. Dr. Moh. Ishom Yusqi M.Ag, witnessed by the Minister of Religious Affairs RI Drs. H. Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Nursyam M.Si, and Director General of Islamic Education Prof. Dr. Phil. H. Kamaruddin Amin MA. The award was received directly by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA.

Lukman in his remarks said that the award to UIN Jakarta as the best PTKI in terms of governance management is one of appreciation to the development that has been done by UIN Jakarta as an Islamic higher education institution. "Hopefully, this appreciation can inspire and motivate the wider community in developing Islamic education in Indonesia," he hoped.

With this achievement, UIN Jakarta successfully listed itself as the best PTKI in terms of academic institutional development management. Meanwhile, the second and third position were achieved by UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

In response, Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA expressed his gratitude to Kemenag RI who has chosen UIN Jakarta as the best PTKI. According to Dede, the award itself is an appreciation of the strategic management system implemented by UIN Jakarta in encouraging both institutional and academic development. “"This system requires individuals in each division under the auspices of UIN Jakarta to work according to their responsibilities,” Said Dede.

Under these conditions, he added, UIN Jakarta can continue to perform various development, such as improving Webometrics, 4ICU rank, Google Scholar Citations, Repository index, and Science and Technology Index (SINTA) Ministry of Research and Higher Education ranks. At the same time, academic support institutional management such as human resources and financing is strengthened so it can support the implementation of UIN Jakarta’s academic tasks.

Furthermore, Rector said the award is part of public trust for UIN Jakarta in order to continue providing the best academic services to the students, optimizing the community outreach programs, and to improve scientific publications that are suitable for reading by the global academic community. “To all academic community, lecturers, education personnel, and students, let's make this award as a motivation to work harder in our respective working areas,” he added. (usa)