Kartini’s from Ciputat (2)
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Every 21 April, Indonesians commemorate Hari Kartini (Kartini’s Day). A day to celebrate Indonesian hero of women empowerment Raden Ajeng Kartini. Raden Adjeng Kartini (April 21, 1879-September 17, 1904) encouraged women in the country to be able to contribute as well as men in various aspects of community life.
Her thought, recorded in the book under the title Door duisternis tot licht (Through Darkness into Light) published by the former director of the Department of Education, Religion, and Industry J.H Abendanon.
UIN Jakarta participated in producing women who continued the spirit of RA Kartini. They strive to build society through their social, scientific and Islamic contributions. Who are they?
Prof. Dr. Hj. Huzaemah Tahido Yanggo
Professor Huzaemah is one of the lecturers who is still actively teaching at UIN Jakarta. In addition to teaching, the Shariah Professor born in Donggala, 30 December 1946 is still active in various scientific forums, Islamic social organizations, as well as writing and delivering Islamic lectures on various occasions.
Graduating from the Faculty of Sharia, al-Khairot Islamic University, Palu, she continued her education at one of the most prestigious Islamic higher institutions in the Islamic world, namely the al-Azhar University of Egypt. At this university, she succeeded in completing her Masters in Fiqh and Usul Fiqh (1981) and Comparative Fiqh doctoral education (1984). Both of these academic degrees were successfully achieved with the title of Cumlaude.
As a lecturer, Professor Huzaemah conducted a number of courses such as Contemporary Fatwas in the Muslim World, Fiqh Muqaran, Issues in Contemporary Usul al-Fiqh, and others. In addition to teaching at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Professor Huzaemah also teaches at the Graduate School (SPs) of UIN Jakarta and a number of other higher institutions.
In addition, Professor Huzaemah continued to play an active role in representing women's participation. In addition to being entrusted with holding a number of structural positions in the campus environment, she is trusted to hold a number of important positions in the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), an institution representing the authority of the ulema in the country.
At MUI, Professor Huzaemah began as a Member of the Central MUI Fatwa Commission (1987-2000). Then, it is believed to be the Chairperson of the Central MUI for the Field of Study and Research (2000-2010). Subsequently, she was appointed as Deputy Chair of the Central MUI Fatwa Commission (2010-2015), and later appointed as the Chairperson of the Central MUI Fatwa Field (2015-2020).
In addition to representing women to actively participate in various aspects of community life, Professor Huzaemah has an interesting view of women today, as published by Jajat Burhanuddin & Oman Fathurrahman (ed.), Tentang Perempuan Islam: Wacana dan Gerakan (Gramedia Pustaka Utama dan PPIM UIN Jakarta, 2004, p.98):
“Islam tolerates the existence of women as new energy in earning a living with the development of the times that affect the order of life. A woman must help her husband to preserve and protect the family welfare as well as the welfare of their children in the future. Women may enter various professions, as long as their duties are aligned with their nature and nature, and does not leave her obligations as a housewife and maintain the prescribed laws of religion,”
There are a number of books written and summarized her thoughts. Among them are Pengantar Perbandingan Mazhab, Kontroversi : Revisi Kompilasi Hukum Islam, dan Masail Fiqhiyah: Kajian Hukum Islam Kontemporer. (usa/zm/othrsrcs)