Jamhari Makruf, new Director of SPs UIN Jakarta

Jamhari Makruf, new Director of SPs UIN Jakarta

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis appointed Jamhari Makruf as the Director of Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta, Monday (03/11/2019) at Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta. He replaced Masykuri Abdillah who finished his term.

Jamhari Makruf was born in Klaten, Central Java on March 23, 1965. After he graduated from Pesantren in Pabelan, Magelang, Central Java, Jamhari then continued his undergraduate study at the IAIN Jakarta.  In 1996, he earned his Master’s Degree from the Department of Anthropology and Archeology, Faculty of Arts, The Australian National University (ANU), and his Doctoral degree in 2000. In 2014, he got his professor's degree.

In addition to teaching in FDIK and SPs UIN Jakarta, the former Vice Rector for Academic (2006-2010) and Vice Rector for Cooperation (2010-2015) of UIN Jakarta also played and active roles in various researches. From 2001-2006, Jamhari served as Director of PPIM. Until now, he is still actively involved as a Senior Advisor at the Center for Indonesian Islamic and State Studies (PSIK-Indonesia).

He also received many grants and awards, including Visiting Fellow (2014), The University of Melbourne, Research Grant from Japan ASEAN Integrative Fund (2008-2011), Research Grant From Japan Science Research Program (2005-2008), Best Australian Alumni Finalist, The Embassy of Australia in Jakarta (2008), Asian Leaders Fellowship Program, Japan Foundation (2004), PhD Scholarship from AUSAID at the Australian National University from (1995 to 1999), MA Scholarship from AUSAID at the Australian National University (1993-1995), and The Best Graduates of IAIN Jakarta (1990).

In addition, Jamhari has also produced various works in a national and international journals, among them are Introduction to Islam dan Ziarah Tradition on James Fox (Ed), Religion and Ritual, Indonesian Heritage Series (Nusantara Press 1998), New Trend of Islamic Education (Studia Islamika, vol 16, no 2, 2009), Islamic Legal Education in Indonesia: Tradition and Transition (with Jemma Parson in Legal Eduaction in Asia, Stacey Steele and Kathryn Taylor, Routledge Law in Asia, 2010), Perception and attitudes toward Terrorism in a Muslim Majority Country (Asian Social Science Journal, the Canadian Center of Science and Education, Vol. 8, no 4, 2012), and Perubahan IAIN ke UIN: Prospek dan Tantangan (UIN Press and Prenada Jakarta, 2013). (usa)