Islamic boarding school student can pursue phycisian or pharmacy education through PBSB
Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) appointed the Phycisian education study program and the pharmacy Study Program of UIN Jakarta to be places for Islamic boarding school students who wish to pursue medical or pharmacy education.
This opportunity can be accessed by students through the Scholarship Program for High Achieveing Students or PBSB, organized by the Directorate of Early Education and Islamic Boarding Schools (Ditpontren) in 2021. Director of PD Pontren Waryono Abdul Ghofur said that this scholarship registration period will be opened in mid-March.
“PBSB registration will be open soon. Currently, we are preparing the equipment, the students should continue to update official information about PBSB. The students are expected to keep looking for official information updates about PBSB,” said Waryono as quoted by UIN News through the official website of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs on Sunday (03/14/2021).
Based on the official website of the PD Pontren, this year's PBSB quota only applies to 16 students. Eight people each in the phycisian education study program at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and eight people in the Pharmacy Study Program at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Jakarta.
UIN Jakarta itself is one of the 31 appointed universities. Several other partner universities include the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University, Bogor Agricultural University, as well as a number of other State Islamic Religious Higher Education Institution (PTKIN).
It is known, PBSB is a program provided for students to continue their undergraduate and professional education levels with a full scholarship. PBSB itself has been initiated since 2004 and produced thousands of santri who earned bachelor's degrees in higher education. (usa/zm/kemenag)