International Student Mobility Program in Malaysia and Singapore: 5 Master's Students of FAH UIN Jakarta Pursue Culture and History Researches

International Student Mobility Program in Malaysia and Singapore: 5 Master's Students of FAH UIN Jakarta Pursue Culture and History Researches

FAH Building, UIN Online News - The Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) at UIN Jakarta, proudly announced the selected five students for the International Student Mobility program in Malaysia and Singapore on Thursday (20/2/2025).

The five heroines include four students from the Master's Program in Islamic History and Culture (MSKI): Ilma Nailu Fitriani, Siti Khotijah, Eneng Malihatinnajiah, and Iin Isnaini, along with one student from the Master's Program in Arabic Language and Literature (MBSA): Nabila Rana Darmawan.

Dr. Mauidlotun Nisa’, the Secretary of the MSKI Study Program, who accompanied the chosen students, explained that they will submit their study results at the International Colloquium hosted by the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC-IIUM) in Malaysia.

"This opportunity is a significant advancement in expanding your academic and cultural perspectives, hence enhancing your comprehension of your study field. I highly advise all of you to always pursue knowledge, and maintain the esteemed reputation of our faculty and university," Ade Abdul Hak, Ph.D., M.H., Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, gave them some words during a cordial meeting at the dean's office.

The timetable indicates that the cohort of students engaged in the International Student Mobility program will shortly depart for Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia. After they arrive, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FAH UIN Jakarta will oversee and direct this program.

"The objective is to assist their research and offer enhanced insights into the domain of information literacy," Ida Farida, Ph.D., M.L.I.S., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FAH UIN Jakarta, said.

This prestigious program carries significant expectations, as stated by the Dean of FAH: "I hope the students can return with valuable experience, knowledge, and skills they have acquired to advance the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, thus positively impact the broader community,".

The International Student Mobility program is a student exchange initiative enabling students to study in foreign universities or educational institutions which primarily emphasizes cultural, historical, and research trips for varying durations. This program is only available to universities that have formed partnerships with foreign institutions or colleges.  

As for UIN Jakarta, it has emerged as a prominent State Islamic Religious University (PTKIN) in Indonesia and has formed several partnerships with other international institutions, consequently providing substantial opportunities for its students to engage in the International Student Mobility program.

(Press Relase of Faculty of Adab and Humanities/Iin Isnaini/Muhamad Arifin Ilham)

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