International Scholarship Webinar with the theme “Japan International Scholarships: Achieving Dreams in the Land of Sakura”
UIN Jakarta X UIN Bandung International Japanese Community Service
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's join the International Scholarship Webinar with the theme “Japan International Scholarship: Achieving Dreams in Sakura Country” which will be held on :
🗓: Monday, August 19, 2024
⏰: 20.00 JST / 18.00 WIB - finish
📍: Zoom Meeting
WA Group Link:
(Participants are expected to join, because information will be provided in the group)
Speakers :
Indra Ferdiansyah S.St, M.T.
(Doctoral Student Program, MEXT Scholarship Awardee Japan)
Opening Remarks :
Achmad Gazali, Ph.D
(Chairman of Tanfidziyah PCINU Japan)
Prof. Dr. Amzul Rifin, S.P, M.A
(Education Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo)
Hopefully colleagues can attend tomorrow's event, more or less apologize ...
Wallahul Muwafieq Ilaa Aqwamith Tharieq
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
**This event is supported by :
- Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo
- PCINU Japan
- PPI Kitakyushu
- HMPS Management
- GDSC UIN Jakarta