Interested in Studying at PTKIN Programs? Non-Muslim Students Can Apply through UM-PTKIN.
Jakarta, UIN Online News— Non-Muslim students can apply to state Islamic religious colleges (PTKIN) through the UM-PTKIN entrance exam. A total of 58 PTKIN and one college in Indonesia offer 1,306 study programs in various fields, including Islamic studies, communication, economics, and science and technology.
This information was shared by the Chairman of the PTKIN Rector Forum, Prof. Dr. TGH Masnun Tahir M.Ag, during the UM-PTKIN 2024 Registration Technical Guidance and Socialization event in Jakarta, Thursday night (May 16, 2024). “Non-Muslim students can enroll in PTKIN through the UM-PTKIN pathway,” he said.
The openness is due to the fact that the study programs offered by PTKIN through UM-PTKIN include the same academic fields as those offered by other public universities. For example, UIN Jakarta offers several general science programs such as Biology Education, Physics Education, and Social Studies Education.
Several other PTKIN institutions also offer general study programs. For instance, UIN Raden Fatah Palembang offers Journalism and Information Systems programs.
In the same event, the National PMB 2024 Chair, Prof. Dr. Nyayu Khodijah S.Ag., M.Si, revealed that since the UM-PTKIN registration opened on April 17, six non-Muslim students have registered. “This data is up to today,” she said.
Furthermore, the Rector of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang explained that pesantren students and high school students can apply to PTKIN through the UM-PTKIN selection pathway. Additionally, graduates from pesantren, Mu’adalah Education Units (SPM), Formal Diniyah Education (PDF), and Equivalence Education at Salafiyah Pesantren (PKPPS) are welcome to register for this selection pathway.
“For the 2022 and 2023 graduates, they must already have a diploma or equivalent. Meanwhile, the 2024 graduates must have a Graduation Certificate from the Head of the Education Unit,” she said.
According to Law Number 18 of 2019 on Pesantren, pesantren can provide formal and non-formal education. Based on this, students from mu’adalah education units, formal diniyah education, and ma’had aly are categorized as formal educational institutions, similar to other educational institutions, and are eligible for job opportunities.
Meanwhile, UIN Jakarta offers 30 study programs that pesantren students can choose from through the UM-PTKIN pathway. “Through this selection pathway, UIN Jakarta offers many programs in education, communication, sharia economics, humanities, and Islamic studies," said the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie S.Ag. S.H. M.A. M.H.
Registration for the UM-PTKIN selection has been open since April 17 and will continue until June 15. Applicants will take the exam from June 24-30, 2024, using an online exam application (Electronic Selection System/SSE).
Before the exam, applicants will first take a trial exam through the SSE application. The selection results will be announced on July 8, 2024.
Here are the 30 study programs offered by UIN Jakarta through the UM-PTKIN pathway:
- Islamic Religious Education
- Arabic Language Education
- English Language Education
- Biology Education
- Physics Education
- Education Management
- Indonesian Language and Literature Education
- Social Studies Education
- Elementary School Teacher Education
- Early Childhood Islamic Education
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Islamic Civilization History
- Translation
- Religious Studies
- Qur'anic and Tafsir Studies
- Hadith Studies
- Aqidah and Philosophy
- Tasawuf Studies
- Islamic Family Law (Akhwal Syakhsiyyah)
- Comparative Mazhab
- Constitutional Law (Siyasah)
- Islamic Criminal Law (Jinayah)
- Sharia Economic Law (Muamalah)
- Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
- Islamic Counseling
- Da’wah Management
- Prodi Islamic Community Development
- Dirasat Islamiyah
- Sharia Banking
- Sharia Economics
Prospective students can register online through or Registration for this pathway is open from April 17 to June 15, 2024. (Release from the Public Information and Public Relations Center of LP2M UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta/Translated by Faadhila Idris)