Integrity Assessment Survey 2024: KPK Involves 41 Universities in Corruption Prevention Efforts

Integrity Assessment Survey 2024: KPK Involves 41 Universities in Corruption Prevention Efforts

Gedung Juang, UIN News Online — The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) signed a Cooperation Agreement with 41 State Universities (PTN) for the implementation of the 2024 Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) and the involvement of universities in corruption prevention efforts at Gedung Juang, third floor of the KPK's Merah Putih Building, on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

The event was attended by KPK leaders Nurul Ghufron, Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Prof. Abdul Haris, Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK Pahala Nainggolan, Deputy for Education and Community Participation Wawan Wardiana, Deputy for Coordination and Supervision Didik Agung Wijanarko, Director of Monitoring KPK Agung Yudha Wibowo, as well as rectors or representatives from the participating universities.

The prevention of corruption through SPI is a significant step towards creating a corruption-free Indonesia. This year, SPI has innovated by involving universities in corruption prevention and improving governance systems.

The event began with the singing of the national anthem "Indonesia Raya" and the KPK anthem, followed by a prayer. SPI, which has been running since 2007, continues to be updated to provide recommendations and monitor follow-ups from all ministries, agencies, and local governments.

Pahala Nainggolan started the first presentation by explaining that SPI is a survey that measures the level of corruption in each institution. This year, 640 regions and all ministries, agencies, and bodies at the central level will receive their respective corruption level scores. The involvement of universities in SPI is a new and innovative approach, and this is the fourth year of SPI implementation.

"We want universities to participate in the anti-corruption process because the law mandates that all elements of society must be involved, and we feel that the role of universities has not yet been optimal," he said.

Meanwhile, Wawan Wardiana emphasized the importance of anti-corruption education. According to Law No. 19 of 2019, the KPK has the authority to organize anti-corruption education programs at all levels of education. He explained the challenges and opportunities in implementing anti-corruption education in universities, namely the role and commitment of university leaders through the internalization of anti-corruption values in the curriculum and the strengthening of the integrity of the university ecosystem. Additionally, the standardization of anti-corruption education, the competence of anti-corruption education lecturers, and governance improvements are key to the success of anti-corruption education.

"Anti-corruption education must start from an early age until the end of life to avoid corrupt behavior or acts," he said.

Abdul Haris added that the education sector must be at the forefront of fighting corruption. Over the past five years, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) has been striving to transform higher education through the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" policy to create a profile of quality, character, and integrity in Pancasila students.

"This initiative not only assesses the integrity of government institutions but also includes higher education institutions. With the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance, we can realize corruption-free campuses," he said.

Nurul Ghufron concluded the event by presenting data on corruption from 2004 to 2024, noting 1,607 cases, with the most common modes being bribery, procurement of goods and services, and extortion.

"The most frequent perpetrators are from the private sector, state, and regional officials. The sectors involved include law enforcement and education. A strong synergy between ministries, agencies, local governments, and other stakeholders is essential," Ghufron emphasized.

All SPI results are published openly on the website. The signing of the cooperation agreement was divided into four sessions based on the survey implementation work area: West Indonesia 1, West Indonesia 2, Central Indonesia, and East Indonesia.

In addition to the signing sessions, the event also included other sessions, including the Involvement of Universities in Corruption Prevention, support for the implementation of the One Map Policy, and the involvement of universities in corruption prevention through the preparation of Detailed Spatial Plans (RDTR), with Fristian Griec as the moderator.

The public can watch the event via live streaming on KPK RI's YouTube channel at the following link: (Ken Devina / Fauziah M./Raihan Lail Ramadhan/Photo: Fadli Rafi Mahathir)

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