Amzulian Rifai is scheduled to deliver Halal bi Halal speech

Amzulian Rifai is scheduled to deliver Halal bi Halal speech

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Indonesian Ombudsman Chairman Amzulian Rifai, is scheduled to deliver Halal bi Halal speech at Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Tuesday, (07/05/2018). Amzulian will talk about the deradicalization on campus towards the global community.

This was conveyed by Halal bi Halal Committee Chairman Hamka Hasan in rectorate building, Monday (07/02/2018). Previously, according to Hamka, UIN Jakarta invited Social Minister Idrus Marham, but he was unable to attend.

Halal bi Halal event of big family of UIN Jakarta was held in order to celebrate the Ied al Fitr. The event will be attended by UIN Jakarta Rector Dede Rosyada, Vice Rectors, Deans, Bureau chiefs, Institutional heads, and Dharma Wanita Persatuan.

Hamka also said the goal of this event is to strengthen Ukhuwah Islamiyah among the civitas academica of UIN Jakarta. UIN Jakarta also invites speakers from outside the campus to deliver the speech.

"This year we invite Amzulian Rifai, Chairman of the Ombudsman, to speak about deradicalization on campus," he said.

Amzulian Rifai was born in Musi Rawas, South Sumatera on December 2, 1964. He graduated from Law faculty of Sriwijaya University (Unsri), Palembang, in 1988. In 1995, he went to the Master of Law program at Melbourne University in 1995 and earned his PhD at Monash University, Australia, in 2002. In 2005, he earned his professor degree in Constitutional Law from Sriwijaya University.

Before serving as Chairman of Indonesian Ombudsman, Amzulian Rifai previously served as Head of Unsri’s Postgraduate Law Study Program (2007-2011), Secretary for Unsri’s senate (2007-2011), Head of S2-S3 Unsri’s Law Study Program (2008-2011), and Dean of Law Faculty of  Unsri (2009-2013 and 2013-2017). (usa)